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Automation Panel Deaeration Units PRIMA-THERM


Підтримка тиску, температури та рівня рідин у деаераційній системі в заданому інтервалі значень
Communication protocol
RS485, RS232, CAN bus, Ethernet


Under the order


Purpose of the automation panel: it is intended to maintain the parameters (pressure, temperature and level) within the range of set values. In this case, pressure control is carried out by adjusting the electric valves according to the algorithms stored in the PLC (programmable logic controller) memory.
Depending on the system configuration, both pulse and analog control of pressure, temperature, and liquid level is possible.

Functions implemented by the automation panel in the basic configuration:


  • Applications: Maintaining the pressure, temperature, and level of liquids in the deaeration system within a specified range of values;
  • Controlling the power supply of the deaeration system (COD, condensate, etc.);
  • Functions for controlling the power supply of the deaeration system (COD, condensate, etc.).

Optional functions:

  • Starting up the pump units via the “star-delta”;
  • Switching on the pumping units by means of a soft start;
  • Frequency control of condensate pumps;
  • Dispatching and remote control of the pumping station via RS485, RS232, CAN bus, Ethernet information interface.


* Unitronics controllers are used as standard.


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Mon-Fri: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m
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